Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Using Adwords To Gain Traffic – It's Easier Than You May Think!

Google’s Adwords program is one of the greatest things to happen in internet marketing. It has made it extremely easy to get your site on the screens of thousands of people, without all of the legwork. The process of getting in the system is easy, and after you’re done you simply have to wait for your site to show up on all of the related sites. Not only is it more affordable and faster, but you’ll also reach a more specific market with its keywords.

The most important thing you can do when setting up Adwords is to use relevant keywords. Then, when other people are using the Adsense program and punch in similar keywords, you will be able to advertise on their site – where your content is most relevant and closely relatable to the person who is browsing the net. Google’s own Keyword Tool will help you to pick the best keywords based on search volume and recent trends.

Similarly, you should think carefully about your Adwords headline. Since you pay for every single click, you don’t want to waste your money on people who thought you were something else. So in your headline, make sure you sum up exactly what you offer on your site, and leave nothing to the imagination.

The landing page of your site is also extremely crucial. You need to have an attractive layout with professional copywriting in order to keep people from leaving the moment they arrive (and thereby wasting the money you spent on their click). So even if you have to invest in designers to get your site looking great, consider it money well spent. A professional website is one thing draws people in and maximizes your conversion rate.

So consider every part of the Adwords process, and maximize the profitability of your Adwords campaign.

By: Gabriel Adams

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