Sunday, June 22, 2008

Avoid Adwords Bid Prices

How To Avoid Adwords Bid Prices Of $1.00 Or Above?

You have a problem. You logged into your Google Adwords Account to discover that all your keywords are inactive and that you will need to bid $1.00, $5.00, or even $10.00 for these keywords. Unless bid prices in your niche market are that high by default due to high competition, you normally should not have to pay $1.00 to activate keywords. Your Google Adwords account has been flagged as not meeting the new Google Quality Score. You will need to address this problem accordingly to lower your overall bid prices and to avoid more problems down the road.

It can have several reasons why Google is adjusting your minimum bid prices. I got hit by the Quality Score myself not too long ago. I had recently started a few new Google Adwords campaigns and some campaigns just never got off the ground at all due to high bid prices required by Google. As a matter of fact I deleted these campaigns within a few hours after discovering the problem because there was no financial sense in keeping them active. These campaigns would not generate any clicks at the price I was willing to pay and Google deactivating all my keywords asking for up to $5.00 per click. Other campaigns of mine however enjoyed normal click bid prices. No punishment here. I reviewed the bad campaigns and I quickly realized that the landing pages and the site structure had a significant role to play. The campaigns that went bad right from the start were domains and websites with no real content. I had build 3-4 pages around the landing pages for the affiliate products I was trying to promote.

Doing more investigation I was able to determine the best approach for me. Using a domain name with existing pages in place and build a landing page matching the existing website design. The domains should be well indexed and preferably well-aged, too. However – certain key pieces needed to be in place, too. You don’t want to have your landing pages “offer” leaks where visitors (the ones you paid for) would be able to leave your sales page too easily. In my case I moved the default navigation menu from the top to the bottom of the landing page. In addition all links would now open in a new browser window leaving the sales landing page still open. I also added links to a sitemap, my “About me” page, (of course) the homepage, the “Contact Me” page. I also added links to a related product sales page (a copy of my landing page just slightly different using the second best affiliate program). The Adwords spider was able to enter my site and go several levels deep to check out the site structure. The main website also offered not just 4 or 5 pages, but at least 30-40 pages. I build new Adwords campaigns and with a little more fine-tuning I was able to avoid the high click prices and enjoyed reasonably priced costs per click.

Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself when building a good landing page for PPC campaigns:

  • Do you have an “about us” page?
  • Do you have a “contact us” page?
  • Do you have a “Privacy Policy” page?
  • Does the landing page have content matching your keywords?
  • Is the web page coded in Flash (=unreadable for the Adwords bot)?
  • Does the page have a link to your homepage?
  • Does the page have a link to the sitemap?

Conclusion: When building a landing page, build a landing website. Keep the visitor in mind. Would you feel trapped as a visitor with nowhere to go other than your affiliate product? Even though that is your actual goal, you will need to play nice and offer the visitor a good experience when he visits your website. If you follow the rules you should be able to reduce your cost per click easily.

Source By: Christoph Puetz

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Top 4 Google Adwords Strategies

Top 4 Google Adwords Strategies Proven To Generate Profits

Making money with Google Adwords has become very popular. It’s the new trend that took the Internet by storm. Affiliate marketers are constantly researching new niches, keywords and competition to monetize the traffic from Adwords. Profiting from the “Google Gash” game was much easier just a few years ago. Cost per click keeps going up each and every month. Below I have listed some Adwords strategies that can help affiliate marketers maximize their earnings.

1. Bidding On The Exact Name Of The Product

This method is very effective and can bring substantial profits very quickly. Basically, affiliates can bid on the exact name of the product and profit from other affiliates advertising efforts. When a product is popular there are a lot of people searching for it on Google to find out more information, read reviews, or even bonuses offered by affiliates. If you choose to try this method, you should research other affiliates to see what exactly they are doing and what bonuses they are offering. Next construct a review page of the product and offer a better bonus package. Using this method you are going to pay more per click, because the traffic is highly targeted.

2. Creating Site-Targeted Campaign

With this method you can target the exact pages where you want your ads to appear. Of course the publisher must display Adsense ads on their site. First of all, you need to find websites relevant to the product or service you are selling. Do a search on Google for the keyword phrases that would potentially bring in sales. Next make a list of all the web pages that display Adsense on the first and second page of the search results. This ensures that the website you are going to display ads receives high quality traffic. Next create a “site targeted” campaign targeting the pages you just researched. With this method you could end up paying less than 0.05 per click if your CTR is performing very well.

3. Using Huge Keyword Lists

Using this strategy you must create a big list of relevant keywords for your product or service. The key to making this method work is to find many low searched keywords with little or no competition. Utilizing the method you could get away with paying cents per click instead of dollars. You should get yourself a keyword research tool that will help you find relevant keyword phrases. I highly recommend Keyword Elite software for this project.

4. Monetizing On Big Product Launches

This is probably the easiest way to make money using Google Adwords. Basically, you will need to watch for next big product launches by some of the big marketers. Some of the product launches generate a ton of searches on Google on the day of the launch. Once you spot one, you should bid only on the name of the product on that exact date. You could also give away some bonuses to increase your sales. This method can bring quick and easy profits due to the fact that there is almost no competition on the date of the launch.

The above strategies are just some of the most popular ways to easily monetize on the traffic from Google Adwords. You should always monitor your CTR (click through ratio), Cost Per Click, and conversions.

Source By: Pawel Reszka

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Adwords Can Increase Your Profits

One of the biggest keys to having a successful website is to be able to drive potential clients to your site. This is not easy since the competition is fierce. It won't matter if you have a great website and a needed service, if no one knows that your site exists. One of the best ways to get your site noticed is with Google's Adwords. This is an advertising service provided by Google and is bound to increase the flow of traffic to your site.

Google receives over 200 million queries on their search engine. Did I mention that that was per day? Yep, you heard me right. Consider how many sales you could wrack up if just a fraction of those 200 mill came to pay your site a visit. Listing your business on their search engine will do just that. It's not just enough to be included in the search engine, you need a high ranking to get noticed. To help business do that, Google began a service called Adwords.

By using Google Adwords, you can target a specific audience that might be interested in your product. By subscribing to this service, when a person searches a topic that is related to your service, your advertisement will show under "Sponsored Links" on the search result page. This will inspire people to click on your ad to see if you're offering what they are looking for.

The way you subscribe to this service is by contacting the Google Adwords Service and opening an account with them. You can then put in the specific type of people that you are targeting, including the country and the language. Be careful when inputting this information to ensure that you reach only those people that you are hoping to have as customers. After that you can use their tools to design your ad.

This is a pay by click service, so decide beforehand how much you are willing to pay so that your bids will remain within your budget. Don't be concerned with the link to your site being at the top of the page. Many people who click on the top site are not serious and you want to attract serious leads, not pay for useless clicks. The important thing is to make sure that you stick within your budget so that you can realize a profit from your sales.

When designing your ad, make sure you use as many pertinent keywords as possible. A valuable tip in using keywords is to misspell some of the words. Not everyone searches using the proper spelling of the word and you can find a whole new market that your competitors might miss out on by employing this technique.

It is also important to use a title tag that will accurately describe the site and be worded in such a way that it will capture attention. Remember, you're competing with thousands so use wording that will make your site stand out in the crowd.

Source By: Gregg Hall

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Making Money With Google Adwords

With just over 70% of the search market Google dominates the world of internet search theses days. It is little wonder that a majority of internet marketers and entrepreneurs keep their eyes on whatever Google is doing today and speculate on where they may go in the future.

With the advent of Google’s two flagship money making endeavors, Adwords and Adsense, Google was not only able to become a multi-billion dollar company they also enabled the world of internet marketing to become a viable route for anyone who has the drive and willingness to make a good amount of money, many times replacing their normal income 3 or 4 times over.

What is Google Adwords?

Google Adwords is a pay-per-click advertising system that Google uses as its main source of income generation. In the pay-per-click system an ad is placed and appears for certain searched for keywords. The advertiser is charged every time his ad is actually clicked by a searcher. If the advertiser has done his work right this click will turn into a sale which should more than offset the cost of the click.

The nice thing about the Google Adwords advertising system is that an advertiser’s ads can run continuously and cost very little money. It also makes it easy to place ads that are very specific to whatever the product is and thereby further limit the cost.

How does Google Adwords Work?

Google Adwords is an auction type system. Advertisers bid on keywords that they believe will bring buyers to their web pages. The higher the bid the higher up the Adwords listing that advertiser’s ad will be placed. There are a couple of other criteria besides bid amount that affect ad placement as well.

One is the click through rate of the advertiser’s ad. Also known as CTR this is the percentage of clicks an add get in relation to how many times it is shown for that keyword search. The higher the CTR the higher an ad can rise in the listings. A high CTR can also help lower bid price.

The other important criteria are the quality or relevance of the web page the ad is pointing to. This “Quality Score” is assigned by Google through their search algorithm. It is believed by many experienced internet marketers that the quality score is based on how ell the content of your web pages matches with that of the keywords they are bidding on and the ad copy itself.

Where do the Adwords Ads Appear?

If you d a search on Google you will notice that on the right hand side of the page there are eight “sponsored listings”. These are the Adwords ads. If you find one that interests you and you click on it, it will take you to some sort of web page, usually to a product that you can buy that is specific to the search you did. When you click on that ad Google charges the advertiser for that click. This can be anywhere from 5 cents to more than 50 dollars.

This is where “Return On Investment” (ROI) comes into play. The idea with Adwords is to make more from the sale of goods than what it costs to advertise. A good marketer can easily obtain an ROI of 200-300%, or for every dollar they spend they get 2 to 3 dollars in return.

Affiliate Programs and Google Adwords.

An affiliate program allows just about anyone the opportunity to make money using Google Adwords. Quite simply an affiliate is a sales person for someone else’s products. With Google Adwords an affiliate can place ads that link to a merchant’s website. If this merchant is part of an affiliate network or has an affiliate program the affiliate get a percentage of anything they sale via their Adwords ad.

There are quite a few affiliate networks on the internet today that list tens-of-thousands of merchants and their products. It is easy to sign up with most affiliate networks and begin promoting the merchants who they represent. One could, if they were very motivated sign up with several merchants and have ads up and running in one day. This is not the recommended way to start as an affiliate but it does show how easy ads can be placed once you get the hang of it.

At the end of the day, Google Adwords is a viable tool that can be used increase traffic to one’s e-business. By minimizing irrelevant clicks and targeting those who are truly looking to purchase a product or service, an internet marketer can assure the profits they collect would be much greater than the costs they have to pay for each click on their Google Ad.

Source by: Andrew Bicknell

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