Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Top Secret Get Free Google Adwords

Finally - A Top Secret Way You Can Get Google Adwords Pay-per-clicks Free

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an "oversight" on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

And no, nothing about his "secret" is illegal - nor does it require that you know someone on the "inside" at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.

Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it."

Get it now at:

This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children's toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses - all the while applying his mastermind secret.

Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses "I've actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for ... and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of paid advertising at search engines ... all of which I got for free ..."

So powerful is his secret that he's able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.

He still has to set up an account with the search engines - but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.

Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.

One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret "Wow! Ha! This is really unique ... and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!"

The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years' period of time since applying his secret he's done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really "buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential."

Now to everyone else's fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he's not promising any of us for how long.

A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says "We'll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things."

One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret "he's already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it's still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this."

It is currently available at: you may want to head on over there now and get it.

It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?

Source By: Dawn Pruitt

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Lowering Your Google Adwords Minimum Bids

Why does Google Adwords Want $10 Minimum Bid? This is a question I hear all of the time.

You've spent time and money researching a market, more time and money putting a website together for that market and your ready to go live. You decide to give Adwords a shot because you've heard so many great things about it. You sign up and begin creating your account, getting excited with anticipation off all that high quality traffic your about to get. You put in the keywords and Boom! Google adwords gives you this message "Increase quality or bid to $10.00 to activate" What is going on here!!?? What a scam.

The thing about Google is they reward relevancy and penalize websites that are irrelevant. Who decides whats relevant and what's not? Google does based on it's algorithm from Google Bot. I have used $10 minimum bid as an example, it could be $5 or a $1 minimum bid. Your minimum bid should be cents not dollars.

How do you make Google Bot your friend? Make your website relevant in Google's eyes. This is done by a 3 pronged attack. First make sure your ad groups are "themed" around 1 keyword with variations.
For instance adgroup name -

Discount Laptops


discount laptops
cheap laptops
affordable laptops
really cheap laptops

By doing this your account is organized into a tightly knit group of keywords that makes it easy for you to write ads for. When you write your ad Google loves it when you use the keywords in your ad and so do searchers. This is an essential step in lowering your minimum bids.

Cheap Laptops
Discount laptops to fit
your budget. Free shipping

Google will consider this ad highly relevant to your ad group's keywords. Google will also bold any keyword that the searcher typed, in your ad. Which will catch your prospect's eye. In the above example if a
searcher typed the keywords 'cheap laptops' all instances of the words cheap and laptops in your ad would appear in bold.

Using the keywords on your landing page

Google and searchers love this also because you are focusing your landing page around the keywords that have been searched both Google Bot and the searcher will consider this very relevant, provided your supporting content stays on topic. This technique will increase your Quality Score which in turn will lower your minimum bids.

Lets recap the three pronged attack for lowering your minimum bids.

1. Tightly "themed" ad groups
2. Keywords in ad
3. Keywords used on landing page

Robert Walter has been successfully marketing online for over 6 years. Learn the guerrilla marketing tactics for Adwords with these Killer Adwords Guides

By Robert Walter

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

11 Tips for Google AdWords Marketing Success

1. Use keywords in ad text
Show the searcher that your ad is relevant. Google will display the search keywords in bold in your ad if they're present. This helps your ad stand out from the crowd.

2. Keep ad group keyword list short
Instead of having a single ad group with a large list of keywords, create many ad groups, each with a short list. This will help you achieve tip #1.

3. Bid high initially
Google's ad system determines placement by both bid and CTR (click through rate). To earn a high CTR, you first need to generate some clicks. Bid high initially so your ad is seen early in the search results. Once you have a high CTR, lower your bids.

4. Set daily budget higher than Google recommends
If you set your daily budget too low, your ad will be displayed intermittently. This is not what you want. You always want your ad to be shown when someone searches for your keywords. Control your ad spend through other means such as employing negative keywords, using exact matches, targeting by region and adjusting keyword bids.

5. Avoid bidding wars
Don't waste money getting into bidding wars for a handful of high volume keywords. Instead, expand your keyword list to include more specific keywords that have a lower search volume. Collectively, these keywords will reach the search volume of more expensive keywords. Your average CPC (cost per click) will fall dramatically using this tactic. Use keyword research tools to expand your list of keyword phrases.

6. Set higher bids on exact matches
Include both broad and exact matches for a keyword phrase. Set the bid higher for the exact match. This allows you to control the position of the ad for the exact search. For example, if your ad group bid is set to 10 cents, you might set a 25 cents bid for the exact match:
[keyword phrase] ** 0.25
keyword phrase

7. Use negative keywords
Your ad will not be displayed if the search includes a negative keyword. Add more negative keywords at regular intervals. As your negative keyword list grows, your ad group's CTR will increase, saving you money and/or improving your ad's position. For example, if you sell products or services at a premium, include negative keywords like:

8. Use a relevant landing page
For most searches, don't point the ad to your home page. Choose a landing page on your site that includes the keywords from the search. In some cases, it's worth creating a custom page that's not in the normal navigation of your site.

9. Separate search and content campaigns
Many people lose money using AdWords when their site is swamped with hits from content ads. Most people don't realize that displaying ads on Google's content network is turned on by default. Either turn off the content network or create separate campaigns for search and content ads.

10. Test multiple versions of ad
Take advantage of Google's feature allowing multiple ads to be created and rotated within a single ad group. Test different ad text and see which version works best, both from an ROI and CTR perspective. A better ad will lead to a higher CTR and lower bids for the same ad position.

11. Track your results
Don't rely on Google's reporting tools. They're good, but you need more detail, particularly to see which actual keyword phrases your broad matches are triggering. You'll need this to help build your list of negative keywords for each ad group. Plus, click fraud is a problem and needs to be addressed.

By Richard Ball

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Top 5 Mistakes On Google Adwords Campaign

You have heard or maybe experienced the Adwords horror stories. Mistakes can be quite costly with Google Adwords let's take a look at the most common adwords mistakes newbies make and how they can be avoided.

1)Poor landing page
2)Turning on the Content Network
3)Daily budget too high
4)Grouping Keywords
5)bidding too low

Poor Landing Page

A decent landing page is a key factor in sales conversions. There are many different styles of pages, and going into great detail what makes a good landing page would be a full article itself but basically, organized layout, proper use of graphics, getting your message across clearly & no frames are the main components to a quality landing page.

When using Adwords Google really takes the content of your site as a main factor.

Whatever keywords you are advertising, you should try to have on your page. Not only will the searcher identify this as relevant information, and Google will reward you with a better quality score which can mean higher rankings, cheaper minimum bids and they can shave the cost of the clicks down from what you have bid. Google rewards relevancy and Adwords is no exception.

Turning on the Content Network

The content network is plagued with click fraud and poor quality traffic. When I started with Adwords I didn't realize this and left the content network on and lost money. That being said, once you have a handle on Adwords you can use the content network just make sure to bid very low. Personally I don't bid over 0.06 cents a click. Some people claim that they profit higher and get better sales conversions from the content network than they do with the search network. I have never experienced this myself.

Daily Budget Too High

Putting the daily budget up higher than the recommended amount used to be recommended by top marketers to increase traffic. Recently Google has increased the impressions on campaigns that use this technique. The problem is that the increase is on keywords broad match phrases that aren't targeted very well which leads to a huge spike in conversions and a poor CTR. This will hurt your Quality score and can really hinder your campaign's performance. Another reason
you want to be careful when raising your daily budget high is sometimes marketers forget that they have done so. They might not check their account for a couple of days and when they do they end up blowing through a lot of money.

Grouping Keywords

When creating your ad groups you want to use similar keywords in each ad group with at least one keyword the same. eg. ad group - electric guitars, keywords:

electric guitars
cheap electric guitars
vintage electric guitars

The root keyword in the above example is electric guitars and this phrase should be in every keyword you would use in this group. The root keyword should also be used in your ad:

Cheap Electric Guitars
Save huge on electric guitars
Huge selection & Free shipping

Grouping your ads properly will help you tailor your ad and landing page to your targeted keywords and will help Google serve your ads on the keywords you want.

Bidding Too Low

Bidding too low can leave you buried at the bottom of the pack getting little exposure. When you do have a visitor interested in your products, they will typically keep searching after they have left your website and compare you to your competitors. If they have forgotten the name of your website (they usually do) They will most likely do another search to find you again, if you are not on the first page they may not dig to the other pages for you even if they found you on the 3rd page originally, they may not be willing to do it again people get tired of comparing prices and searching after a while and burying yourself may save you money in bids but can also cost you a lot in sales.

This covers some of the major mistakes and I sincerely hope this article saves people from losing money.
By Robert Walter

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Adwords Beginners Don’t Get Burned

Guide To Google Adwords: Beginners Don’t Get Burned

If you are new to internet marketing, or maybe looking for away to expand your business Google Adwords is a great way to take your business to a whole new level. However most people today do not understand how Google Adwords works, and how it can benefit them, but at the same time burn them if they are not careful.

First let go over what Google Adwords is. When ever you go and do a search on the internet in Google you will see to the top and right hand side short little ads. Those ads are Google Adwords, and people pay for their ad to be shown on the page. Now anyone of any skill level can go and open up an account and have their ads shown as well.

Now that we know what everything is lets talk about just how much you would have to pay to have your ad shown for keywords.

After you make and account with Google you then need to create an ad. You will be asked to write in keywords that you would like your ad to be displayed for. Now this is where it can get a bit tricky, and might cost a lot of money. Depending on how popular your keywords are they may cost a lot of money, or it they could cost almost nothing. Again though it all has to do with how popular your keywords are, and how many times they get searched.

You may find that some keywords cost as little as ten cents while others could cost as much as two dollars or even more! That is why most people say its better to use what are called keyword search phrase.

Here is the difference between a keyword and a keyword phrase. With a normal keyword for example like work at home you will probably spend a good amount of money because its popular, and gets an enormous amount of searches each month. Now if you used a more detailed keyword that might have more words in it like moms work at home full time job might be a bit cheaper for the simple fact that its longer and its not as popular was the keyword work at home.

Now that you know the basics of Google Adwords and how it works you should have a better understanding of how to setup a good campaign. Just make sure that at first you do not over do it, and that you set a daily budget to something you can afford to spend.

For more information on Google Adwords and making money online check out EDC Gold

Source By: chris rohrer

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fighting Click Fraud In Google Adwords

Click fraud is a very real concern for anybody who is doing CPC marketing. Click fraud involves any artificially created click on your ad. A human being can create these clicks, or a software program called a clickbot can create them.

These clicks unfortunately cost you money.

The hard part is identifying click fraud. In order to do this you need to constantly monitor your campaigns, keeping a watchful eye out for any abnormalities. You need to pay attention to your campaign’s established trends and watch for any divergence in those trends. For example, suppose you have an Adgroup that averages an 8% CTR. Minor variations to this CTR are normal and expected. What happens, however, if this Adgroup spikes to a 15% CTR without warning? What do you do?

The first thing you need to do in such a case is check to see if there are any logical reasons for this spike. For example, was there some media coverage on your industry that would cause an increase in searches for your keywords? There can be perfectly reasonable explanations for unexpected traffic spikes. Did you experience an increase in sales? This is another good indicator of real traffic. If your sales correspond to your traffic everything should be fine.

If the traffic still seems fraudulent you need to gather as much information as possible on the incident. Record the time period when it happened and what keywords were affected. Check your server logs and look for any suspicious looking IP addresses or user agents. Once you have collected all relevant information you need to contact Google support and allow them to take over the investigation. They will want access to your server logs and any other pertinent information. They are very good at what they do, and you need to be patient as their investigation can take some time.

For example, at one point I had gone away on a camping trip and had no access to a computer, or an Internet connection to monitor my campaigns. When I returned I found the costs and traffic associated with one campaign had spiked dramatically, costing me several thousand dollars. I instantly knew that a click bot hit me. I contacted Google and an investigation was started. A few months later the investigation was concluded and it was verified that I was the victim of click fraud. I was reimbursed for all the money the click fraud had cost me and life went on.

If you spot click fraud Google is very competent with their investigation and they will reimburse you if click fraud is indeed proven. If it is determined that click fraud did not occur, you will be given an explanation describing how this was determined.

There are many different reasons for click fraud. The most common is for financial gain. This usually occurs on the content network. Here people get paid every time someone clicks on a Google Adsense ad on their site. Some people get greedy and try generating artificial clicks in order to make more money. Sometimes they try to click on the ads themselves, but this doesn’t work well because of the repetitive IP address.

Software programs called click bots might be used. These programs use multiple proxy servers to beat the repetitive IP problem, and can also randomize behavior to make the traffic seem more natural. These programs vary in sophistication and are harder to spot.

In the recent past it was discovered that there are companies in places like India, where labor is very cheap, which use real people to click on ads. These people are spread out in different locations making the IP addresses all different and non-proxy. Moreover, they are real humans so their actions can seem more natural. This scheme can also be difficult to spot.

Other reasons for click fraud include malicious competitors. In this case a competitor wants you to either stop advertising on a keyword, or lower your bid. This often happens as a result of bidding wars. It also often takes place on the actual search pages. Any of the various methods of generating artificial clicks can be used, and the result is still the same. Increased costs.

Learn expert strategies and tactics for Google Adwords at

Source By: George Peters

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Optimise Google AdWords Campaign To Online Success

To be successful with Google AdWords, it is imperative that you optimise your AdWords campaign and make it conducive to dynamic search engine guidelines. This optimisation is necessary if you wish to improve the quality and performance of your account, and that too without going over-budget.

Goal Identification
The success of any marketing strategy depends on initial identification of goals. As an advertiser, you need to clearly define the objectives of your campaign - why does your business need PPC, and what purpose will it serve, etc. If you wish to generate more clicks on your ads, you have to incorporate more competitive keywords in your campaign. You can do so by examining the strategies adopted by your competitors and the kind of rankings they have on SERPs.

Most PPC advertisers find it extremely difficult to control the Click-Through Rate of their ads. You can increase this percentage only by creating good-quality ads that persuade web users to click on them and get directed to your website. For this to happen, you need to select highly-targeted keywords and also make use of negative keywords.

Even if you manage to get traffic diverted to your site, you might not be able to make conversions to balance the ROI. To tackle this problem, focus on your keywords and ads to get targeted visitors to your web pages. And then, you need to work on your landing pages so that they can retain the attention of visitors long enough to make sales. These pages should be relevant and informative with regard to your products or services.

Campaign Management
The results of your Google AdWords account will be worthwhile only if you learn to master the technique of campaign management. It is best to have different ad campaigns for every product/service that you are selling. This will help you in better monitoring and improvisation of the campaign.

The next most important tip is to target your campaign according to language and locations. Keep out o regions that do not have your potential buyers. And, use the language option to better effect so as to capture buyers that are well-versed with regional languages and use them on the Internet.

As an advertiser, you ought to be extremely sure of your advertisements. Google AdWords allows you to create separate ad groups inside a campaign. Create specific ad groups for highly-targeted keywords and so that each group centres around a single product or service. Try and avoid duplication of keywords inside the ad groups that you create, so that your campaign runs in a hassle-free manner.

Keyword Identification
Before starting off with your PPC campaign, you have to pick and choose the keywords that you wish to run on your account. These keywords should be relevant to your business and should have the capacity to attract your prospective customers. When choosing keywords, scan your competitors' accounts and take help from keyword selection tools freely available online. Variate your keywords on the basis of number and also consider misspellings, and synonyms, etc.

Google AdWords works on algorithms defined by Google and displays ads on the basis of the keywords searched for by users. To ensure that your ad is visible on important keywords, make use of the keyword matching options available in your account. This will help you reduce the Cost per Click whilst maintaining high ROI and controlled CPA.

Ask any Google AdWords Professional and he/she is most likely to advise you to create catchy and straightforward advertisements that appeal to the mindset of web users. Entice customers by stating why your products are different and worthy of buying. Be sure to mention the special offers and benefits for customers and also use strong 'call-to-action' phrases to encourage them to click on your ads.

At the end of the day, all that matters in business is the saleability of your ads. Even if people click on your ads and do not go on to make purchases from you, you will end up paying for 'useless' clicks, thus throwing your ROI off-balance. Work on your landing pages so that they get you as many conversions as possible. Better your website and create web pages that have the potency of turning visitors into customers.

Source By: Kailyn Morgan

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Get Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click Ads Free

Breakthrough! New Ways To Get Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click Ads Free!

Did you know that there is a simple but very Profitable way to get your Google ads for free?

Here is a man who has been using this system for over 16 years and he has created a fortune of almost 90,000,000! This is a system that almost 100% of todays marketer are overlooking. And you know what! This system works. You can dismiss this as a scam, but you will be the one left behind! Others who will use this secret system will generate thousand and even millions in cash!

Get it now at:

These are secrets that have almost been forgotten by online marketers but hardly ever used as marketing techniques on the internet. Put this system in play and you can say bye-bye to Paying high Adwords PPC fees for good! You will get free advertising as a result.

Nothing about his "secret" is illegal - nor does it require that you know someone on the "inside" at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others. It is perfectly legal and it will not get you banned by the search engines. This system is so powerful that you as a marketer will be able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.

Also this secret system will not rob the search engines that you choose to work with. So use this system to get free search engine advertising.

Actually it is unique and will bring more business to the search engines in general! How about that! YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE? It is possible that many of the serach engines are aware of this system.

This individual revealed that in this nearly eight years' period of time since applying his secret he's done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really getting down to business and pressing this secret strategy to its fullest potential."

Now he is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of free pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he's not promising any of us for how long. If he continues or discontinues its sale, it will neither make nor break this individual, but not grabbing it for yourself while it's still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get paid searh engine advertising FREE."

So GO and get it now at:

This information is so easy to read. For example a lady who had very bad eyesight had help from her eleven year old grandson!

While you are there check out the testimonials of successful users who use this unique breakthrough targeted advertising secret now made freely available to the rest of us? Get it now while it's still available!

Source By: Dawn Pruitt

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Excellent Tips for Succeeding with Google Adwords

Here are some important tips that should improve your Google Adwords campaign. Balance your campaign. Balance convertibility with traffic levels on pay per click campaigns. For instance, if you write "100% free course" or "100% free to download," you will more than likely have a high conversion rate, but a good percentage of them will be tire-kickers. In contrast, if you don't write that the product is free, your click-through rate will suffer, but more visitors will be serious buyers.

Warm up your traffic. Use pre-selling methods to warm up the traffic you send to your sites via pay per click advertising. For instance, give them a completely free demo download of software your team has developed--or give them a report you created. The goal of course should be to eventually close a sale, but these pre-selling intermediary steps will only increase the chances of making that sale.

Proceed carefully. Start all Google Adwords campaigns using only Google's Search Network. This provides the highest quality traffic, which is pulled directly from Google,, EarthLink, and other Google search partners. Do not use Google's Content Network until you have established a profitable campaign with the search network.

Filter your content. Take advantage of contextual advertising programs that allow you to select where your advertisements will be published. Google Adwords now offers this. If you notice that your click thru rate is unusually high with the 'Content Network,' even though the conversion rates are disturbingly low, you should consider weeding out some of the potential problem sites.

Always test your campaigns first. Start all pay per click advertising campaigns with a test campaign on Google Adwords. Adwords picks up ads faster and will likely produce the best possible results, which means it is almost certainly the best place to begin. If you have success with your Adwords campaigns, only then should you consider advertising on other networks.

Constantly tweak the wording of your pay per click campaigns to determine the best arrangement of words. For instance, try switching the first line with the third or the second line with the third. Try all different permutations that make sense and then take note of your click-thru rates. Additionally, take note of whether your conversion rates remain the same or change.

Take advantage of different pay per click advertising trackers. For instance, Google Adwords provides you with its own system for tracking advertisements. Copy and paste this code into your site, so you can see which advertisements are gaining clicking through and which advertisements are gaining conversions.

Take advantage of all pay per click advertising system resources. Google Adwords, for instance, released an extensive course that explains precisely how to get the best results from advertising. Rather than spending your money on an expensive course, get all of the information straight from the horse's mouth before you go anywhere else.

Do not overspend on pay per click advertising without good reason. In almost all cases, you are better off bidding 5 cents per click--and then slowly scaling it up once you actually get the results that you want; and only after you have determined mathematically that you can earn an even better return with more clicks. Do not bid on high priced keywords.

Start all pay per click advertising campaigns with a test campaign on Google Adwords. Adwords picks up ads faster and will likely produce the best possible results, which means it is almost certainly the best place to begin. If you have success with your Adwords campaigns, only then should you consider advertising on other networks too.

Experiment with a few of these tips. Then, add more if you are happy with the results. Most important is to take action. You may be leaving money on the table, if you don't.

Source by: Bill Briggs

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Google AdWords: 5 Secrets for a Successful Campaign

The success of a Google AdWords project can be significantly enhanced if you follow 5 simple steps.

Step 1 - Define your marketing objectives

What are your marketing objectives?

Many users of Google AdWords become shortsighted and use the system to drive traffic to their site for instant sales. This leaves those companies who sell through other outlets, such as retail, confused as to where their opportunities lie with Google AdWords.

Google AdWords can help with 3 possible marketing objectives:

1. Direct Sales

If you simply wish to sell a product "off-the-shelf" then Google AdWords is perfect for you.

Drive traffic instantly to your web page and hey presto! Well, that's the theory.

2. Brand Awareness

Even if you're unlikely to achieve a sale on the internet, Google AdWords offers a unique and cost-effective opportunity for raising awareness of new products.

Take my example:

I was delivering some marketing training recently to a multinational dairy produce company and they happened to mention a new cheese product.

We discussed using Google AdWords and at first they couldn't see the opportunity. That was until we calculated how many searches are conducted each month for cheese. Some 20,000 if I recall correctly!

Do you know how much these companies spend on advertsising to raise awareness? Hundreds of thousands of pounds, dollars or whatever currency.

Yet here are 20,000 interested buyers searching for "cheese" where a minimum bid would succeed in getting the company infront of almost 1/4 million potential buyers each year! How great would that be.

Then by having these potential buyers sign up to some form of opt-in a long-term relationship can begin to develop.

3. Educational

Our local and central governments spend fortunes on raising awareness of social issues in an attempt to change behaviours.

Yet a search for "stop smoking", for example, provides us with a collection of private companies only. That's an opportunity wasted.

Step 2 - Analysis

Many new users to Google AdWords hit what is now known as the 'learning curve'.

Enthusiastically, marketers jump in to this new arena full of hope and excitement only to be disappointed. Campaigns cost too much and deliver too little.

The desired level of return can be achieved through effective analysis and planning.

For instance, you should use a service such as to understand EXACTLY how many searches are conducted for your keywords.

Also, wise marketers assess the level of competition for their main keywords to understand where they are likely to be effective and where they are not.

Step 3 - Create

When you know your strategy, A Google AdWords campaign can be created simply but effectively using your chosen keywords.

AdGroups should be grouped in a way which allows for ease of management.

Keywords ahould be selected in a way which provides for the most optimal return on investment.

Step 4 - Communicate

The most value you will gain from a customer is in the future not in the now.

Successful companies understand the rewards that can be gained by developing and nurturing a successful long-term relationship with a customer.

This can be done by online methods of e-mail newsletters or blog feeds plus traditional offline methods such as direct mail.

Step 5 - Monitor and Modify

All campaigns can be improved. Try split-testing with different headlines and ad text. A continuous improvement approach will lead to consistently higher click through rates and lower costs.

So there you have it - 5 Secrets of a Successful Google AdWords Campaign.

By: Carl Duncker

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Five Unique Benefits Of Google AdWords

1. Pay Per Click

Unlike traditional advertising, Google AdWords delivers marketers with a huge cost-effective advantage. Gone are the days of paying high prices for advertising that your potential customers might not see.

With Google AdWords you ONLY pay when a customers clicks on your advertisement and then visits your website.

What an advantage! Throw that "50% of advertising is wasted" quote straight into the trash where it belongs!

Just think about that for a moment. You only pay for the advertising when a customer visits your website. What more does a marketing manager want?!

2. Better Ads Pay Less

The Google brand is relevance. Google has blown away the competition because it delivers, better than anyone else, the most relevant content in the minimum time.

So when Google introduced Google AdWords it had to ensure that those paid advertisements were still going to be as relevant as the free or 'organic' listings.

Google rewards relevance. And it rewards marketers for the most relevant ads for any search term.

A successful Google AdWords will actually be placed higher than its competition but will probably be paying less.

How does that work?

Well, Google monitors the click-through rate (CTR) of each ad i.e. what percentage of browsers click on your advert. Those ads with the higher CTRs will pay less than competing ads. So, unlike Yahoo, marketers are encourage to create strong, relevant and effective AdWords by hitting them in the pocket.

My own campaign still has the same position on the page but actually costs some 75% less than the original cost. How? By delivering strong and relevant AdWords for each of the search terms. That's good marketing management.

3. Measurement

You can't manage what you can't measure. Previously, marketing managers have been had to manage the black art of return on marketing investment with little in the way of reliable figures on performance. With Google AdWords all that has changed.

Google provides you with a user-friendly marketing management system that is a breath of fresh air for marketing managers hot on marketing measurement.

The Google AdWords system allows the marketing manager to precisely measure the following:

1. Number of visitors

2. Cost per visitor

3. Cost per campaign

4. Cost per enquiry

5. Cost per sale

Wow! Now isn't that useful?!

4. Free Advertising

Want free advertising? Who doesn't? But how do you get free advertising with Google? Well, say you run a campaign and you achieve a 5% CTR. That means that for every 100 page views 5 customers have clicked on your ad. That's a good average CTR. However, don't forget that on the other 95 page views your advert has been there in all its glory in front of your target audience. The customer can only click once! So remember that with Google AdWords you win even when you don't!

5. Speed

How long does a traditional advertising campaign take to prepare, create and deliver? Weeks, months?

With Google AdWords you can have an effective Google ad in front of your target audience within 30 minutes. How about that?!

And you can choose to stop or pause that AdWords campaign at the click of a button.

So let's recap. With Google AdWords, marketing managers have the ability to deliver effective marketing management through Google campaigns that are cost-effective, real-time (almost!) measurable and immediate.

Source by: Carl Duncker

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Google Adwords And Keyword Research - the importance of keyword research

Importance of the right keywords

One can never underestimate the power of having the right keywords to drive traffic to ones website. It can often mean the difference between success and failure. The best keywords are usually the right combination of words to create a phrase. And this is usually the term people search most often. Why is having the right set of keywords crucial? Because it is what is going to determine the influx of targeted traffic to your website. Therefore it increases chances of sales and also better search engine ranking.

Identify niche target audience

Today everyone is jumping on the ‘specialization' bandwagon. It is no longer a yardstick of competitive edge if you're targeting a generalized audience. Therefore, once you have identified the niche segment you are catering to, you need to focus on appropriate SEO and keyword research.

Keyword research: Not Much Ado About Nothing

When talking about keyword research, there is much more to it than meets the eye. It is far more complex than knowing which terms are most popularly searched by users. Out of the millions of websites that compete with you, 90% of them are going to have the same set of keywords you will use for your site. Is that a smart idea? Not really. Not when you're a small name in the industry and want to stand out from the crowd. What will help is not to choose keywords that are very competitive. You need to choose keywords that have not been overused – although that signals less traffic, it is far better than no sales at all. That is the primary reason most organizations are investing in advanced keyword research tools like Google AdWords etc.

How to do keyword research: Google Adwords

Google has brought out one of the best keyword research tools available today – the Adwords. This tool helps users to identify exact keywords that will propel targeted traffic to their websites. It is powerful, simple to use and very effective. It is aimed at directing targeted traffic to your website.

Keyword tool

Google AdWords has a keyword tool where one can enter one or more keywords or phrases, and then they can obtain many more such synonymous keywords which are not overused. The keyword tool has several options like the keyword search volume, cost and advertisement position estimates, search volume trends and possible negative keywords, all of which can help to figure out various aspects of a set of keywords.

Keyword suggestion tool

This is a more recent feature introduced by Google Adwords. In this tool one can list keywords or sort them out based on priority, popularity etc. One can also manipulate keywords by adding one or two keywords or even a bunch of them. Linking can be done to the website and it guarantees traffic to your website.

Broad match, exact match and phrase match

Broad match refers to the set of keywords used initially to arrive at a broad based search result. These would not be very specific to the product or service your website might be offering, but they are inclusive of these. Phrase match refers to a group of keywords resulting in a phrase that is commonly searched for. As time progresses, one can refine the keywords more and more by analyzing the search logs of the website. Exact match refers to the exact et of keywords users will search for. These usually result in the highest influx of targeted traffic and are the ones most likely to get sales.

#1 for every one?

While doing keyword research, it is also important to ascertain the ranking and priority for each keyword. While some require to be at the number 1 ranking in a search engine, others could do well with even a 3rd or 4th ranking. However this is more of a strategic business decision and needs careful thought and consideration.

Search volume need not guarantee sales

Most people make the mistake of thinking that the number of searches made on a keyword will result in more targeted traffic which in turn implies more sales. That is quite a misconception. What really determines sales, is actually the conversion rate or ratio. A set of keywords may not be exactly pertaining to what your product offers but if it's conversion rate is more, this is what will fetch you more profit.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory
By: Pawel Reszka

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Avoid Adwords Bid Prices

How To Avoid Adwords Bid Prices Of $1.00 Or Above?

You have a problem. You logged into your Google Adwords Account to discover that all your keywords are inactive and that you will need to bid $1.00, $5.00, or even $10.00 for these keywords. Unless bid prices in your niche market are that high by default due to high competition, you normally should not have to pay $1.00 to activate keywords. Your Google Adwords account has been flagged as not meeting the new Google Quality Score. You will need to address this problem accordingly to lower your overall bid prices and to avoid more problems down the road.

It can have several reasons why Google is adjusting your minimum bid prices. I got hit by the Quality Score myself not too long ago. I had recently started a few new Google Adwords campaigns and some campaigns just never got off the ground at all due to high bid prices required by Google. As a matter of fact I deleted these campaigns within a few hours after discovering the problem because there was no financial sense in keeping them active. These campaigns would not generate any clicks at the price I was willing to pay and Google deactivating all my keywords asking for up to $5.00 per click. Other campaigns of mine however enjoyed normal click bid prices. No punishment here. I reviewed the bad campaigns and I quickly realized that the landing pages and the site structure had a significant role to play. The campaigns that went bad right from the start were domains and websites with no real content. I had build 3-4 pages around the landing pages for the affiliate products I was trying to promote.

Doing more investigation I was able to determine the best approach for me. Using a domain name with existing pages in place and build a landing page matching the existing website design. The domains should be well indexed and preferably well-aged, too. However – certain key pieces needed to be in place, too. You don’t want to have your landing pages “offer” leaks where visitors (the ones you paid for) would be able to leave your sales page too easily. In my case I moved the default navigation menu from the top to the bottom of the landing page. In addition all links would now open in a new browser window leaving the sales landing page still open. I also added links to a sitemap, my “About me” page, (of course) the homepage, the “Contact Me” page. I also added links to a related product sales page (a copy of my landing page just slightly different using the second best affiliate program). The Adwords spider was able to enter my site and go several levels deep to check out the site structure. The main website also offered not just 4 or 5 pages, but at least 30-40 pages. I build new Adwords campaigns and with a little more fine-tuning I was able to avoid the high click prices and enjoyed reasonably priced costs per click.

Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself when building a good landing page for PPC campaigns:

  • Do you have an “about us” page?
  • Do you have a “contact us” page?
  • Do you have a “Privacy Policy” page?
  • Does the landing page have content matching your keywords?
  • Is the web page coded in Flash (=unreadable for the Adwords bot)?
  • Does the page have a link to your homepage?
  • Does the page have a link to the sitemap?

Conclusion: When building a landing page, build a landing website. Keep the visitor in mind. Would you feel trapped as a visitor with nowhere to go other than your affiliate product? Even though that is your actual goal, you will need to play nice and offer the visitor a good experience when he visits your website. If you follow the rules you should be able to reduce your cost per click easily.

Source By: Christoph Puetz

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Top 4 Google Adwords Strategies

Top 4 Google Adwords Strategies Proven To Generate Profits

Making money with Google Adwords has become very popular. It’s the new trend that took the Internet by storm. Affiliate marketers are constantly researching new niches, keywords and competition to monetize the traffic from Adwords. Profiting from the “Google Gash” game was much easier just a few years ago. Cost per click keeps going up each and every month. Below I have listed some Adwords strategies that can help affiliate marketers maximize their earnings.

1. Bidding On The Exact Name Of The Product

This method is very effective and can bring substantial profits very quickly. Basically, affiliates can bid on the exact name of the product and profit from other affiliates advertising efforts. When a product is popular there are a lot of people searching for it on Google to find out more information, read reviews, or even bonuses offered by affiliates. If you choose to try this method, you should research other affiliates to see what exactly they are doing and what bonuses they are offering. Next construct a review page of the product and offer a better bonus package. Using this method you are going to pay more per click, because the traffic is highly targeted.

2. Creating Site-Targeted Campaign

With this method you can target the exact pages where you want your ads to appear. Of course the publisher must display Adsense ads on their site. First of all, you need to find websites relevant to the product or service you are selling. Do a search on Google for the keyword phrases that would potentially bring in sales. Next make a list of all the web pages that display Adsense on the first and second page of the search results. This ensures that the website you are going to display ads receives high quality traffic. Next create a “site targeted” campaign targeting the pages you just researched. With this method you could end up paying less than 0.05 per click if your CTR is performing very well.

3. Using Huge Keyword Lists

Using this strategy you must create a big list of relevant keywords for your product or service. The key to making this method work is to find many low searched keywords with little or no competition. Utilizing the method you could get away with paying cents per click instead of dollars. You should get yourself a keyword research tool that will help you find relevant keyword phrases. I highly recommend Keyword Elite software for this project.

4. Monetizing On Big Product Launches

This is probably the easiest way to make money using Google Adwords. Basically, you will need to watch for next big product launches by some of the big marketers. Some of the product launches generate a ton of searches on Google on the day of the launch. Once you spot one, you should bid only on the name of the product on that exact date. You could also give away some bonuses to increase your sales. This method can bring quick and easy profits due to the fact that there is almost no competition on the date of the launch.

The above strategies are just some of the most popular ways to easily monetize on the traffic from Google Adwords. You should always monitor your CTR (click through ratio), Cost Per Click, and conversions.

Source By: Pawel Reszka

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Adwords Can Increase Your Profits

One of the biggest keys to having a successful website is to be able to drive potential clients to your site. This is not easy since the competition is fierce. It won't matter if you have a great website and a needed service, if no one knows that your site exists. One of the best ways to get your site noticed is with Google's Adwords. This is an advertising service provided by Google and is bound to increase the flow of traffic to your site.

Google receives over 200 million queries on their search engine. Did I mention that that was per day? Yep, you heard me right. Consider how many sales you could wrack up if just a fraction of those 200 mill came to pay your site a visit. Listing your business on their search engine will do just that. It's not just enough to be included in the search engine, you need a high ranking to get noticed. To help business do that, Google began a service called Adwords.

By using Google Adwords, you can target a specific audience that might be interested in your product. By subscribing to this service, when a person searches a topic that is related to your service, your advertisement will show under "Sponsored Links" on the search result page. This will inspire people to click on your ad to see if you're offering what they are looking for.

The way you subscribe to this service is by contacting the Google Adwords Service and opening an account with them. You can then put in the specific type of people that you are targeting, including the country and the language. Be careful when inputting this information to ensure that you reach only those people that you are hoping to have as customers. After that you can use their tools to design your ad.

This is a pay by click service, so decide beforehand how much you are willing to pay so that your bids will remain within your budget. Don't be concerned with the link to your site being at the top of the page. Many people who click on the top site are not serious and you want to attract serious leads, not pay for useless clicks. The important thing is to make sure that you stick within your budget so that you can realize a profit from your sales.

When designing your ad, make sure you use as many pertinent keywords as possible. A valuable tip in using keywords is to misspell some of the words. Not everyone searches using the proper spelling of the word and you can find a whole new market that your competitors might miss out on by employing this technique.

It is also important to use a title tag that will accurately describe the site and be worded in such a way that it will capture attention. Remember, you're competing with thousands so use wording that will make your site stand out in the crowd.

Source By: Gregg Hall

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Making Money With Google Adwords

With just over 70% of the search market Google dominates the world of internet search theses days. It is little wonder that a majority of internet marketers and entrepreneurs keep their eyes on whatever Google is doing today and speculate on where they may go in the future.

With the advent of Google’s two flagship money making endeavors, Adwords and Adsense, Google was not only able to become a multi-billion dollar company they also enabled the world of internet marketing to become a viable route for anyone who has the drive and willingness to make a good amount of money, many times replacing their normal income 3 or 4 times over.

What is Google Adwords?

Google Adwords is a pay-per-click advertising system that Google uses as its main source of income generation. In the pay-per-click system an ad is placed and appears for certain searched for keywords. The advertiser is charged every time his ad is actually clicked by a searcher. If the advertiser has done his work right this click will turn into a sale which should more than offset the cost of the click.

The nice thing about the Google Adwords advertising system is that an advertiser’s ads can run continuously and cost very little money. It also makes it easy to place ads that are very specific to whatever the product is and thereby further limit the cost.

How does Google Adwords Work?

Google Adwords is an auction type system. Advertisers bid on keywords that they believe will bring buyers to their web pages. The higher the bid the higher up the Adwords listing that advertiser’s ad will be placed. There are a couple of other criteria besides bid amount that affect ad placement as well.

One is the click through rate of the advertiser’s ad. Also known as CTR this is the percentage of clicks an add get in relation to how many times it is shown for that keyword search. The higher the CTR the higher an ad can rise in the listings. A high CTR can also help lower bid price.

The other important criteria are the quality or relevance of the web page the ad is pointing to. This “Quality Score” is assigned by Google through their search algorithm. It is believed by many experienced internet marketers that the quality score is based on how ell the content of your web pages matches with that of the keywords they are bidding on and the ad copy itself.

Where do the Adwords Ads Appear?

If you d a search on Google you will notice that on the right hand side of the page there are eight “sponsored listings”. These are the Adwords ads. If you find one that interests you and you click on it, it will take you to some sort of web page, usually to a product that you can buy that is specific to the search you did. When you click on that ad Google charges the advertiser for that click. This can be anywhere from 5 cents to more than 50 dollars.

This is where “Return On Investment” (ROI) comes into play. The idea with Adwords is to make more from the sale of goods than what it costs to advertise. A good marketer can easily obtain an ROI of 200-300%, or for every dollar they spend they get 2 to 3 dollars in return.

Affiliate Programs and Google Adwords.

An affiliate program allows just about anyone the opportunity to make money using Google Adwords. Quite simply an affiliate is a sales person for someone else’s products. With Google Adwords an affiliate can place ads that link to a merchant’s website. If this merchant is part of an affiliate network or has an affiliate program the affiliate get a percentage of anything they sale via their Adwords ad.

There are quite a few affiliate networks on the internet today that list tens-of-thousands of merchants and their products. It is easy to sign up with most affiliate networks and begin promoting the merchants who they represent. One could, if they were very motivated sign up with several merchants and have ads up and running in one day. This is not the recommended way to start as an affiliate but it does show how easy ads can be placed once you get the hang of it.

At the end of the day, Google Adwords is a viable tool that can be used increase traffic to one’s e-business. By minimizing irrelevant clicks and targeting those who are truly looking to purchase a product or service, an internet marketer can assure the profits they collect would be much greater than the costs they have to pay for each click on their Google Ad.

Source by: Andrew Bicknell

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Easy Profits With Google Adwords

One article after another on the topic of getting traffic to your website describes how Google Adwords is the preferred method to many home based business marketers. In the category of pay per click (PPC) methods Google Adwords is clearly the undisputed leader. They have become successful by creating a complete solution to traffic, content, and user friendly environment.

Just as important, if not more so for home business internet marketers is the ability to use Google Adwords as a means to drive traffic to our respective websites. With Google's unique capability to drive targeted traffic to websites, the return of investment for advertising dollars becomes even more attractive. In the case of internet advertising, more traffic "potentially" means more sales. More sales "ideally" mean more revenues and profits for you.

If you are not careful you quickly will find that the real secret to advertising is not about volume. An insider secret is that to be successful, you must have targeted traffic, carefully chosen in advance with Google Adwords methods.

For most individual and small internet business marketers, financial success can be found in using Google Adwords. Done correctly, they are able to generate significant profits by focusing on smaller niche and sub niche markets.

You will quickly find that Google Adwords can be a good investment of your advertising dollars for those who follow careful techniques to target specific keywords. That is, keywords which precisely identify niche areas along with the right advertisement for those keywords. This will translate into higher targeted volumes of traffic and potential revenues.

To be able to target the correct niches and related keywords for those niche areas home business marketers have a host of possible utility tools. Some of these are web-based and some are software driven. Checkout for recommendations of the programs I have used.

And of course, the "real beauty" of advertising in Google Adwords is that you only pay for actual clicks on your ads. Think about it. This is an incredible value compared to traditional advertising such as newspapers, magazines, etc. where you pay fixed rates for coverage exposure, irrespective of results. This shotgun approach is both ineffective and inefficient. Advantage pay-per-click programs such as Google Adwords.

While it is not accurate to say that using pay-per click advertising is free money, it certainly is accurate to say that it is easy money. Compared to using traditional advertising and marketing methods, it certainly makes it easier to target traffic to your websites. After being led to your website based on interest in what you are selling, they arrive with a greater chance of liking what they see and being receptive to your offerings.

Source by: Stephen Wright

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To Make Adwords Work For You

Google AdWords is the sole provider of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for web publishers to promote their website and products. Affiliate marketers also use this handy tool to promote their products. There are quite a few falsehoods regarding Adwords and their ability to drive traffic. The following are 5 tips to help you clear the confusion and give you a sense of where you need to be steering your wagon behind this whole “adword” thing.

Tip #1: Keywords and AdGroups
Since Adwords gauges the effectiveness of the ads and places them accordingly they use a technique involving the quality score and CTR. This technique is used to make an adgroup. This is helpful to ensure that low performing ads don’t bring down the adgroups that are performing well. This lets your top keywords perform at full throttle.

Tip #2: The Free Keyword
Always include the words –freebies, free, freebie in your ad campaign so surfers searching for free goods do not wander to your site haphazardly. The benefits of doing this can be tremendous. This will save you and your visitors a lot of time and more importantly a lot of money.

Tip #3: CAPS
Google doesn’t allow advertisers to place their ads in all (CAPSboy are we grateful for this) but there are many other ways to stand out. One way is capitalize the first letter of every word in your ad. Your English teacher may take you out back, but it does stand out from the pack increasing your likelihood of getting noticed.

Tip #4: Mix It Up
Mix up the 3 keywords entry to ensure the best results from your keywords, use quotes and brackets. One keyword entered should have three entries. For example: name, [name] and “name”. Adwords has a special built-in syntax, so utilizing this method will not only increase efficiency but will broaden your match rate.

Tip #5: Eye On The Competition
Always check out all your competitors and what keywords they are using in their ads. If they are spending crazy amounts of money on a particular keyword, maybe you should stay away from that keyword. Always stick to your budget. If there is just too much competition, maybe you need to rethink your niche and go to another product or market. Study the other guy and see how he sets up his ads. Find a pattern and exploit it. Go for the road less traveled. With a little hard-work and discipline, you can be a stand-out in the Adword world.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Using Google Adwords To Drive Laser Targeted Traffic

The biggest well known secret in generating wealth in the internet based business or e-commerce is Traffic. Everybody knows it, every site want it and every site need it. The point of websites is to be visited and viewed. Many elaborate designs, money and countless hours of developing a site to make them beautiful and attractive are utilized. Without traffic, it is for naught.

With traffic comes a potential customer which basically means sales which in turn means profit. While many sites have collapsed in the past with the downturn of many internet based business, many smaller sites have generated good money by concentrating on a certain niche and some subniches.

This is a reason why e-commerce site laser target certain groups of people and drive them to their site to showcase their sites and products. Precision marketing is essential so that you could count on all the traffic on your site as potential customers.

Using Money to Make Money

It’s a common business notion that if you want to make money, you have to spend money. One good way of spending money for business gain is through advertising. Advertising brings in the people because through advertising, they know that there is such a company or product in existence. With the right type of advertising, you can see the spurt of traffic growth to your site. With a high volume of traffic, even if only a small portion or percentage turns out to be buying customers it is still a good average of profit generating income.

Right now, there is no other advertising scheme that would be worth every cent than using Google’s Adwords. The surge in popularity of Google’s Adwords is very evident as you can see so many sites sporting this ad scheme.

In using Google's Adwords, you pay a certain fee depending on the number of keywords your ad is keyword sensitive to. Each time a person does a search in Google, the keyword or keywords use generate ads in the side of Google which are generated by the keywords they have assigned for their ads.

This method laser targets the traffic a site wants for their site. This also ensures that you are readily visible in the first page of a search result. Paying Google for this ad scheme ensures that your target group of people sees your ads. You drive your laser targeted traffic to your site which provides for their needs and wants. You can also be sure that you can meet their demands and needs.

Aside from Google, you can also be featured in their other search networks, these includes sites like, AskJeeves, AOL Search and Netscape. These sites also show Adwords ads that react to searches done by visitors. There are also content networks, non-search engine sites that feature Google Adwords, which will also carry your ads. But this is subjected to the niche the site features. Your chosen keywords will determine which content network shall feature your ad. The frequency of your ad shall also be determined by your allowed budget.

Laser Targeting your Traffic

To get a good number or estimate of the traffic to buying customer ratio it is good to laser target your traffic. Knowing that your traffic are all potential customers and are interested in your products and company provides you with a more accurate statistics. This will show you how effective your utilizing of Google Adwords is.

Drive laser targeted traffic to your site by using keywords or keyword phrases for your Goggle Adwords that pertains to your company and to your products. There are many online internet tools that can help you in choosing keywords and keyword phrases that are currently in demand that could help drive laser targeted traffic to your site.

With your Google Adwords ad, you are ensured that every click to your ad is a potential customer that is precisely looking pr interested in what you have to offer. Make sure that your Google Adwords ad has the right keywords so that you can drive you're laser targeted traffic to your site.

Using Google Adwords to help boost the drive to increase laser targeted traffic will prove to be very beneficial as many other companies can attest to. The benefits are high with the cost relatively justifiable.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How to Write Adwords Ads That Convert

In recent weeks I have been working very hard on the art of profiting from Google's Adwords system. Having purchased several of the top ebooks available on the topic, I have been rewarded with a great amount of knowledge in the area.

As I learn to apply that knowledge and see how it works in the real world, every now and then something from one of those books proves to be very valuable. This is the first in what I plan to be a series of articles that will disclose these "secrets".

The first one I would like to share is how to write Adwords ads that convert well.

1) The headline should contain the exact keywords you are bidding on.
2) The ad copy should also contain the keywords.
3) The first line of your ad should be a benefit. Your best guess as to exactly what the reader wants. Example: You will make money now
4) The second line should be a feature. How can your site or product help them get the benefit. Example: You can get started today

Along with a friendly looking display URL, an ad written using this simple formula will convert much better that trying to use both lines to express a single thought.

Adwords is a complicated beast, with fierce competition. There are no real secrets to winning. It takes a solid foundation built on real world advertising fundamentals.

If there is one thing Adwords is not, it's a get rich quick program. If you take it that way, you will surely fail. If you decide to give Adwords a try, you will be starting your own adveritsing business.

Your job will be to write three line ads and get them placed within Google's system for people to click on. It is up to the merchant to make the sale. All you can do is write an ad that will get the right people to the merchant. If they don't convert for you, get a different product.

Writing the ads is the easy part. There are many great ebooks available that will help you avoid the pitfalls. The truth is, a lot of people are wasting a lot of money with Adwords. Most people waste their time and your money by inflating the price of keywords in their failing quest for fast money.

If you want to succeed, you need to approach Adwords as your very own advertising business. Just like any other business, it requires your investment in time and money. But the returns can grow to become astronomical.

If you can learn to write an ad that profits you five dollars a day, you can write 100 more. The trick is learning how to write that first producer, then it is just a matter of duplicating the effort with other ads.

Source by: Darell McKissick

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Friday, May 2, 2008

The Google Adwords Keyword Tool

If you want to run an effective Google Adwords campaign, you'll find it necessary to learn to use the Google Adwords keyword tool. This handy little tool allows you to select keywords and establish how much you are willing to pay per click for ads that appear on web pages and search engine results pages that contain the identified keywords.

Choosing the right keywords is very important to your success in operating an Adwords campaign. You want to reach an audience that is likely to want and need your product or service so that, once they arrive at your website, they will convert to a sale or lead. Having people click on your ad does nothing but cost you money unless you maintain a high conversion rate.

When choosing the keyword or keywords that you want to target, keep in mind the keywords that your website is based upon. Those are, at least in part, the keywords you will want to select for advertising. However, you may have keywords on your website that are much broader than those that you want to use for your Adwords campaign. Whereas a person selling classic car parts online might use "auto parts" as a keyword on their website, it would certainly be a very bad choice for an Adword keyword. Driving traffic that are seeking auto parts for late model cars will simply leave the website as soon as they see what is offered and, since you choose the keyword, the click would still cost you money. Instead, focus on keywords that are very directly related to what you offer such as, in the case here, "classic car parts", for example. That way, only those people searching for and visiting websites related to classic cars and parts for those cars will see your Adwords campaign.

The Google Adwords keyword tool allows you to add and remove keywords at any time you choose. You aren't tied to using keywords that aren't working for you for any specific length of time. If you find a keyword you have selected is working very poorly, go to the keyword tool and remove that keyword from your campaign. You might replace it with a better keyword, or simply drop the keyword and not replace it at all.

The greatest thing about Google Adwords is the flexibility. You can change anything about your campaign at any time you want. Keywords that prove effective can be changed to a higher price per click while those that offer little traffic can be changed or removed. Find keywords that drive traffic that converts and stick with those keywords.

A great alternative , even better than the google adwords tool is the new keyword elite which has more options and will give you the exact adwords pricing for each keyword and per search engine as well as competition, adsense high paying keywords and so on.

Source by: Peter Vermeeren

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